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Educational Research Hub for Robotics and AI

  • How to Determine If a String is "One of Three" in Swift

    When building apps, you might come across interesting ways to map input data to specific outputs. One fun example is taking an input string and categorizing it into one of three distinct emoji characters: πŸ™ˆ (see no evil), πŸ™Š (speak no evil), or πŸ™‰ (hear no evil).

    In this post, I'll walk you through a Swift function that computes the Unicode sum of a string and then returns one of the three emojis based on the sum. Let's dive in!

    The Goal: A Function That Returns One of Three Emojis

    We want a function that:

    1. Takes a string as input.
    2. Computes the sum of the Unicode values of the string's characters.
    3. Uses the remainder of that sum divided by 3 to return one of three emojis:
      • πŸ™ˆ (see no evil)
      • πŸ™Š (speak no evil)
      • πŸ™‰ (hear no evil)

    Here's the Swift Function

    func isStringOneOfThree(_ input: String) -> String {
        let sum = { Int($0.value) }.reduce(0, +)
        // Use modulo 3 to cycle through the three emoji
        let remainder = sum % 3
        switch remainder {
        case 0:
            return "πŸ™ˆ"  // See no evil
        case 1:
            return "πŸ™Š"  // Speak no evil
        case 2:
            return "πŸ™‰"  // Hear no evil
            return "" // This will never be reached, but Swift requires a default case

    How It Works

    This function processes the input string in three main steps:

    1. Calculate the Unicode Sum: The function maps each character in the string to its Unicode scalar value, converts that to an integer, and sums up all the values. Here's how this part works: { Int($0.value) }.reduce(0, +)

      For example, for the string "abc", the Unicode values are 97, 98, and 99. The sum is 97 + 98 + 99 = 294.

    2. Compute the Remainder: We calculate the remainder when dividing the sum by 3. This gives us a number from 0 to 2.

    3. Return One of Three Emojis: Based on the remainder, the function returns one of the three emojis:

      • 0 returns πŸ™ˆ ("See no evil")
      • 1 returns πŸ™Š ("Speak no evil")
      • 2 returns πŸ™‰ ("Hear no evil")

    Example Usage

    Here are a few examples of how this function works with different strings:

    print(isStringOneOfThree("hello")) // πŸ™‰
    print(isStringOneOfThree("swift")) // πŸ™ˆ
    print(isStringOneOfThree("programming")) // πŸ™Š

    In each case, the string gets categorized into one of the three emojis, based on the sum of the Unicode values of its characters.

    Why Is This Useful?

    While this particular function is a fun example, the concept of using modulo (%) to group or categorize data can be very useful in real-world scenarios. Whether you're dividing data into batches, evenly distributing load, or, like here, categorizing input into specific groups, this pattern is widely applicable.


    Swift gives us powerful tools to process strings and work with Unicode values. With just a few lines of code, we can map a string to one of three predefined outputs. Whether you're creating a fun feature in your app or learning more about how to work with strings, this approach is a great example of how simple logic can be both efficient and fun.

    Give it a try and let us know what kind of fun applications you can think of for this concept!

    profile photo of Konstantin Yurchenko, Jr.

    Konstantin Yurchenko, Jr.

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    11 hours ago
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  • How Go Can Be Used for Real-Time Video Processing

    Go, or Golang, is increasingly recognized for its capabilities in real-time video processing, thanks to its unique features that cater well to the demands of video data handling. Here's an exploration of how Go can be utilized effectively for real-time video processing:

    1. Concurrency for Parallel Processing

    Video processing often involves handling large datasets in real-time, where parallel processing can significantly enhance performance. Go's goroutines provide a lightweight way to achieve concurrency:

    • Frame Processing: Each frame of a video can be processed in a separate goroutine, allowing for parallel decoding, filtering, or encoding tasks.
    • Pipeline Processing: Go's channels can be used to create pipelines where video frames flow through different processing stages (e.g., from capture to filtering to encoding) concurrently.

    2. Efficient Memory Management

    Real-time video processing requires careful memory management to avoid bottlenecks:

    • Garbage Collection: Go's garbage collector, while active, is designed to minimize pauses, which is crucial for maintaining real-time performance.
    • Memory Safety: Go's memory safety features prevent common errors like buffer overflows, which could be catastrophic in video processing applications.

    3. Direct Hardware Interaction

    Go's ability to interface directly with hardware is beneficial:

    • Camera Capture: Libraries like gocv (which wraps OpenCV) allow Go to capture video directly from cameras without needing to rely on external languages.
    • GPU Acceleration: While Go itself doesn't natively support GPU programming like CUDA, it can interface with C/C++ libraries that do, thus leveraging GPU for video processing tasks.

    4. Libraries and Frameworks

    The Go community has developed several libraries that support video processing:

    • Gocv: An OpenCV wrapper for Go, providing extensive video processing capabilities.
    • Golang FFMPEG: For encoding, decoding, and manipulating video files.
    • Go-FFmpeg: Another wrapper around FFmpeg, useful for real-time video manipulation.

    5. Real-Time Systems Design

    Go's design makes it suitable for real-time video processing:

    • Low Latency: Go's compilation to machine code and efficient runtime ensure low latency in video processing tasks.
    • Scalability: For applications like live streaming or video analytics in real-time, Go's scalability through goroutines and its networking capabilities is advantageous.

    6. Application Areas

    • Live Streaming: Go can be used to build servers that handle live video streams, processing them for compression, transcoding, or adding overlays in real-time.
    • Video Surveillance: Real-time video processing for surveillance can leverage Go for tasks like motion detection, object tracking, or facial recognition.
    • Augmented Reality (AR): Real-time video processing in AR applications where video feeds need to be augmented with digital information seamlessly.

    Implementation Considerations

    • Performance Tuning: While Go is efficient, video processing can still push systems to their limits. Careful tuning of goroutine numbers, buffer sizes, and garbage collection settings might be necessary.
    • Error Handling: Given the complexity of video data, robust error handling is crucial to ensure that processing continues smoothly even if individual frames fail.
    • Integration: For advanced processing, integrating with specialized libraries or hardware acceleration might require additional setup, but Go's CGo capabilities facilitate this.


    Go's features like concurrency, memory efficiency, and hardware interaction capabilities make it a compelling choice for real-time video processing. While it might not have the same depth of video processing libraries as some other languages, its ecosystem is growing, and for applications where real-time performance, concurrency, and ease of deployment are crucial, Go stands out. Developers interested in building real-time video processing systems can leverage Go to create efficient, scalable, and robust applications.

    profile photo of Konstantin Yurchenko, Jr.

    Konstantin Yurchenko, Jr.

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    11 days ago
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  • The Utility of Go in Programming: A Comprehensive Overview

    In the ever-evolving landscape of programming languages, Go, often referred to as Golang, has carved out a unique niche for itself. Developed by Google, Go was designed to address many of the issues developers face with larger codebases and the complexities of modern software development. Here's why Go has become an invaluable tool for programmers:

    Simplicity and Efficiency

    Go's syntax is clean and minimalistic, which makes it easier for developers to read and write code. This simplicity doesn't come at the cost of functionality; Go is designed to compile quickly and produce efficient binaries. Its garbage collection and memory safety features ensure that developers can focus on writing code rather than managing memory, which is particularly beneficial in large-scale applications.

    Concurrency Support

    One of Go's standout features is its built-in support for concurrency through goroutines and channels. Unlike threads in many other languages, goroutines are lightweight, allowing thousands to run concurrently without significant overhead. This makes Go exceptionally well-suited for networked services, web servers, and any application where multiple tasks need to run simultaneously.


    Go scales exceptionally well, both in terms of application size and performance. Its static typing and strict compilation process catch errors early, reducing runtime issues. This makes Go an excellent choice for large-scale systems where reliability and performance are critical, such as cloud services, distributed systems, and microservices architectures.

    Standard Library and Tools

    Go comes with a rich standard library that provides robust implementations of common tasks like HTTP servers, JSON processing, and cryptography. Additionally, tools like go fmt ensure code consistency across projects, and go test simplifies the testing process. These tools reduce the learning curve and increase productivity by standardizing development practices.

    Cross-Platform Compatibility

    Go compiles to native code for various platforms, making it easy to write cross-platform applications. This capability is particularly useful for developers who need to deploy software on different operating systems without the overhead of virtual machines or complex build processes.

    Community and Ecosystem

    The Go community has grown significantly, contributing to a vast ecosystem of packages and tools. This community support means developers have access to a wide range of libraries for almost any task, from machine learning to web frameworks. The active community also ensures that Go remains relevant and updated with modern programming needs.


    While not always the fastest in raw execution speed, Go's performance is often more than adequate for most applications, and its compilation speed is notably fast. This rapid compilation cycle enhances developer productivity, allowing for quicker iterations and testing.


    Go's design inherently promotes safer programming practices. Its memory safety features, along with the absence of pointer arithmetic, reduce common security vulnerabilities like buffer overflows. This makes Go a preferred choice for applications where security is paramount.


    Go's design philosophy of keeping the language simple yet powerful has made it a go-to choice for many modern software projects, especially those involving web services, cloud infrastructure, and systems programming. Its ability to handle concurrency efficiently, coupled with strong tooling and a supportive community, positions Go as an excellent language for developers looking to build scalable, efficient, and maintainable software systems. Whether you're a startup looking to build robust backend services or a large enterprise needing to manage complex distributed systems, Go offers the tools and performance needed to excel in today's fast-paced tech environment.

    profile photo of Konstantin Yurchenko, Jr.

    Konstantin Yurchenko, Jr.

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    11 days ago
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  • Platform Integrity:

    • Maintaining Trust: ecosystem is built on trust. By enforcing strict privacy controls, maintains its reputation as a platform that prioritizes user privacy, which can attract more users to its ecosystem.

    Use Case: SkatePay Chat Application

    NSCameraUsageDescription: SkatePay uses the camera to scan QR codes for quick payments and to enhance user experience with AR features.

    NSMicrophoneUsageDescription: SkatePay uses the microphone for voice commands to facilitate hands-free payments and to improve user interaction with our AI assistant feature.

    NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription: SkatePay uses the photo library to allow users to upload profile pictures or payment receipts for verification.

    profile photo of Konstantin Yurchenko, Jr.

    Konstantin Yurchenko, Jr.

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    21 days ago
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  • ProRobot - The Robot Friendly Blockchain: Pioneering the Future of Robotics

    In an era where robotics and blockchain technology are both advancing at a breakneck pace, a new contender has emerged on the horizon, promising to merge these two revolutionary fields into a cohesive, secure, and efficient system: ProRobot, known as "The Robot Friendly Blockchain."

    The Genesis of ProRobot

    ProRobot isn't just another blockchain project; it's a vision for a future where robots operate with unprecedented autonomy, security, and coordination. Drawing inspiration from the likes of MIT Media Lab's research and the broader adoption of blockchain in various sectors, ProRobot aims to provide a decentralized platform where robots can securely communicate, transact, and operate.

    What Makes ProRobot Unique?

    • Decentralized Coordination: Traditional robotic systems often rely on centralized control, which can be a single point of failure. ProRobot uses blockchain technology to create a decentralized network where robots can make decisions collectively without a central authority, enhancing resilience and flexibility.
    • Security Against Deception: Studies from MIT and other institutions have highlighted how blockchain can safeguard robotic communications against deception or hacking. ProRobot implements a token-based system where robots, acting as nodes, use tokens to add transactions (or commands) to the blockchain. This system penalizes misleading information, ensuring integrity in robotic operations.
    • Scalability and Real-World Application: Unlike some blockchain solutions that struggle with scalability, ProRobot is designed with real-world robotics applications in mind. From swarm robotics in agriculture to autonomous delivery systems in urban environments, ProRobot's architecture supports scalability and real-time decision-making.
    • Integration with Existing Systems: ProRobot isn't starting from scratch. It aims to integrate with existing robotic frameworks like ROS (Robot Operating System), enhancing its adoption by providing familiar tools with advanced blockchain features like security, identity management, and auditability.

    The Ecosystem and Tokenomics

    ProRobot introduces its native token, let's call it $RABOTA for this narrative, which serves multiple purposes within its ecosystem:

    • Transaction Validation: Robots use $RABOTA to validate and add transactions or commands to the blockchain, ensuring all actions are consensually agreed upon by the network.
    • Incentive Mechanism: Miners or validators in the ProRobot network are rewarded with $RABOTA for maintaining the blockchain, solving complex cryptographic puzzles, and adding new blocks.
    • Governance: $RABOTA holders might participate in governance decisions, deciding on upgrades or changes to the ProRobot protocol, aligning with the decentralized ethos.

    Real-World Applications

    • Swarm Robotics: In scenarios like search and rescue or environmental monitoring, ProRobot enables swarms of robots to operate more cohesively, sharing data securely and making collective decisions on the fly.
    • Supply Chain and Logistics: Autonomous robots in warehouses or delivery drones can use ProRobot for tracking, authentication, and coordination, reducing errors and enhancing efficiency.
    • Smart Cities: Imagine traffic management systems or public safety robots that operate on ProRobot, ensuring data integrity and operational autonomy.

    Challenges and the Road Ahead

    While ProRobot paints an optimistic future, it faces challenges like any pioneering technology:

    • Adoption: Convincing industries to shift from established systems to a blockchain-based robotic operation system requires demonstrating clear advantages in cost, efficiency, and security.
    • Regulation: As with all blockchain technologies, navigating the regulatory landscape will be crucial, especially when robots interact with the physical world.
    • Technical Hurdles: Ensuring the blockchain can handle the high throughput of transactions required for real-time robotic operations remains a technical challenge.

    ProRobot stands at the intersection of robotics and blockchain, promising a future where robots not only perform tasks but do so with an unprecedented level of security, autonomy, and coordination. As this technology evolves, it could very well set the standard for how we integrate AI and robotics into the very fabric of our daily lives, making "The Robot Friendly Blockchain" a cornerstone of the next industrial revolution.

    profile photo of Konstantin Yurchenko, Jr.

    Konstantin Yurchenko, Jr.

    Last edit
    21 days ago
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MIT launches new Music Technology and Computation Graduate Program

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