
Hashtag: #grpc

  • 22 days ago
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  • 12 Advanced Project Ideas in Golang 🚀

    Distributed Systems & Networking 🌐

    1. Distributed Task Scheduler
      Build a distributed task scheduler that can distribute tasks across multiple worker nodes. Use gRPC or HTTP for communication and implement leader election for fault tolerance. 🧑‍💻

    2. Peer-to-Peer File Sharing System
      Create a P2P file-sharing system where users can share and download files directly from each other. Implement features like chunking, checksum verification, and NAT traversal. 📂🔄

    3. Distributed Cache (like Redis)
      Build a distributed in-memory cache system with support for replication and partitioning. Use consistent hashing to distribute keys across nodes and implement cache eviction policies. 💾

    4. Service Mesh
      Create a lightweight service mesh that handles service discovery, load balancing, and retries for microservices. Use sidecar proxies and Envoy-like configurations. ⚖️

    Concurrency & Performance

    1. High-Performance Web Crawler
      Build a concurrent web crawler that can scrape and index web pages efficiently. Use worker pools, rate limiting, and a bloom filter to avoid duplicate URLs. 🕷️

    2. Real-Time Analytics Engine
      Create a real-time analytics engine that processes streaming data (e.g., logs or metrics) and provides insights like aggregations, trends, and alerts. Use Go's concurrency primitives for high throughput. 📊

    3. Custom Load Balancer
      Build a load balancer that distributes incoming requests across multiple backend servers. Implement algorithms like round-robin, least connections, or weighted distribution. ⚖️🔄

    Cloud & DevOps ☁️

    1. Kubernetes Operator
      Develop a custom Kubernetes operator to manage a specific application or resource. Use the client-go library to interact with the Kubernetes API and implement custom reconciliation logic. 🛠️

    2. Serverless Framework
      Create a lightweight serverless framework that allows users to deploy and run functions. Implement features like auto-scaling, cold start optimization, and event triggers. ⚡

    Security & Cryptography 🔐

    1. End-to-End Encrypted Chat Application
      Build a secure chat application where messages are encrypted end-to-end using asymmetric cryptography (e.g., RSA or ECC). Implement key exchange and message signing. 💬🔒

    2. Vulnerability Scanner
      Create a tool that scans codebases or network services for vulnerabilities. Use static analysis for code and implement network scanning techniques like port scanning and banner grabbing. 🕵️

    Data Engineering 📈

    1. Stream Processing Engine
      Build a stream processing engine that can handle real-time data streams (e.g., Kafka or RabbitMQ). Implement windowing, aggregation, and stateful processing. 🌊

    Bonus Ideas 🎁

    • Custom Database Engine: Build a simple database engine with support for indexing, querying, and transactions. 🗃️
    • AI/ML Model Serving: Create a system to serve machine learning models with low latency and high throughput. 🧠⚡
    • Blockchain Consensus Algorithm: Implement a consensus algorithm like Proof of Stake (PoS) or Raft for a blockchain network. ⛓️

    These projects will push you to explore advanced topics and build systems that are scalable, efficient, and robust. Happy coding! 🚀

    Profile photo of Konstantin Yurchenko, Jr.

    Konstantin Yurchenko, Jr.

    Last edit
    22 days ago
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